If you crochet, chances are pretty good you may have been asked to crochet baby Yoda or The Child from the Mandalorian. I was asked to make two for Christmas. My niece wanted one and she also wanted to gift one to her boyfriend.
There is nothing I enjoy more than crocheting for those that I love so I got busy with the task. I was able to get the pattern that went viral before it was discontinued.
My first and second attempt at the head came out more like a football than a sphere. Luckily I was able to find my mistake so that the third attempt was golden – which was a good thing because I made both during our Christmas visit.
After the delivery of those, her sister wanted one so once we got back home, I started crocheting the third one. I have to say that he is my favorite yet.

He took about a season of “Grey’s Anatomy” to complete, but I love the results and am getting better at larger pieces as I usually do small amigurumi that are completed in two hours.

One of my crochet goals for 2020 is to do my sculpting with crochet and this piece gives a chance to practice that skill.
Fun project and I plan to make a couple of more at least.