Temperature Scarf

It’s a new year and one project that I have been wanting to do is a temperature blanket. The basic idea behind the temperature blanket is that you create a color legend for a range of temperatures assigning a certain color for each one. Then you track the temperature each day for a year and…

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On the Hook

What has been on the crochet hook this week? Absolutely nothing! It makes me sad to realize that I haven’t crocheted anything in this past week. Just today I was thinking that I need to plan my Christmas crochet projects as some I have started and need to finish. So I might be working on…

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Crochet All the Things

Lately I have been crocheting items to sell at a craft fair. I’m excited but am ready to work on a project for my or/and my brood. Pinterest is totally addicting. I love it. There are so many projects I have found that I want to give a try. I should at least start a…

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Yarn Stories

Here it is Black Friday. I went to two stores for Black Friday: the local gaming store and the local yarn store. These are my two favorite places to shop. This year we are giving games as gifts or I am crocheting a gift. It feels so good to have a plan and not stress…

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National Crochet Month

March is National Crochet Month! Oh how to celebrate? Well I plan to crochet all month long! Last night I picked up my hook and yarn to do a few more rounds on a cute alligator. I’m just free-handing it but it is finally taking shape. I was inspired by Swamp People(excellent TV show on…

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Crochet Goals 2012

This Christmas I did not make the first crochet gift. I had great intentions – but just started way too late. With work and other stuff, I just have not had the time to crochet – which makes me very sad. Usually when Christmas is over, I am so mentally exhausted that I cannot even…

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Too Many Projects

There are too many crochet and other projects I want to do. It is amazing that when I have something to do, I want to do it right now. It is hard for me to schedule time for crocheting or web work. I need to work on the skill of just doing it even when…

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Blog Challenge

Happy New Year! This month I’m taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. It’s a challenge to blog everyday. I did this in October with one of my other blogs and this month I want to do it with Crochet Mae. I want to post more and get this blog off the ground. I mainly…

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2011 Goals

One of my goals for 2011 is to sell crochet at at least one craft fair. The first fair in our area is in May. I have a list of what I want to sell. Now I just have to make it. I really don’t expect to sell much. I think it will be fun…

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Finally Some Colder Weather

After a record setting day of 90 degrees around Wednesday of this week, I was so glad to wake up Thursday to actual cooler temperatures. This fall has been so warm, dry, and not fun. I mean, I have a lot of crocheting to do for Christmas. I need cooler weather for motivation. After having…

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