Tinkerbell Slippers

My daughter loves Tinkerbell and has been wanting some Tinkerbell slippers. I ran across a very simple crochet slipper pattern. I used some lime green yarn and made a couple of pom poms. The slippers turned out really cute – except they are too small. Here’s my foot displaying the slipper. It is way too small for me.

Here is the first pair that I made with the pattern. I used a different yarn and should have added more rows to the lime green yarn. I want to do another pair anyway.

I had a pair of handmade slippers that I loved when I was a kid. I don’t think they were crocheted. Maybe knitted with the garter stitch. But I love how quick these work up and with a few adjustments can be anything from ballet shoes to Tinkerbell slippers.

Mardi Gras Cthulhu

Every once in a while, I like to crochet a themed Cthulhu. With Mardi Gras coming up later this month, I thought now would be the perfect time to make one and use up some stashed yarn.

Think it turned out pretty cute. I did the tentacles each a different color. For the wings I used a strand of each color. It was harder than expected. I really should have used a larger hook. I think next I will try another Valentine’s Cthulhu. My first one was not what I had expected. Think it was my color selection, so this year I will try mainly reds and pinks.

Not sure where the Mardi Gras Cthulhu will wind up. If my daughter likes it, then she will claim it – like she does most of my amigurumis. If not, then Daddy may take him to work for a while.

Special Olympic Scarf

I was able to finish on scarf for our state’s Special Olympics. I did stripes and was pleased at how it turned out.

It will be on its way later today. Not sure how many scarves my state has received but hope they reach their goal.

Pink Unicorn

My daughter wanted me to make her a pink unicorn. She chose the pinkest yarn at the store. I didn’t use a pattern. Thinking about making another one since I always learn so much after I create a project.

While I was piecing it together, my daughter kept saying it looked like a pig. Well without the horn, ears, and mane it really does. The pink really makes it look like a pig. I’m thinking of making another one – maybe one in a more traditional unicorn color like white.

She is happy with it, so that makes me happy. Her next request is a peacock with a horn. Should be interesting.

Pocket Cthulhu

This past week has been a rough one. Between vehicle issues and limited funds, I just haven’t been in a good mood. But I did whip up this little guy for part of a dirty Santa gift. I call him a pocket Cthulhu. He is about two inches tall. He was super fast to make – which gives me an idea of a small project for the craft fair in May. I’ve been wanting more small projects so that I have a lot of items to sell.

I love simple small projects that take less than 30 minutes. It really gives me a sense of accomplishment and a small crochet item that is super cute.

Special Olympics Scarves

Making scarves for the Special Olympics is one project I look forward to each year. This year I am glad to see that you can send scarves directly to your state’s Special Olympics. You can either knit or crochet scarves. Use any pattern. Just make sure you use the right Red Heart colors. This year’s colors are Blue(886) and Turqua(512).

I hope to finish two by the deadline for our state’s games. One scarf I’m doing is stripes. Each strip is one row wider than the previous. It was my husband’s idea for a scarf he wants me to make him. So I’m trying it out on this scarf to make sure it looks OK. So far it looks really good. I have hope it will turn out well and I can send it.

Blog Challenge

Happy New Year!

This month I’m taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. It’s a challenge to blog everyday. I did this in October with one of my other blogs and this month I want to do it with Crochet Mae. I want to post more and get this blog off the ground.

I mainly blog about what I’m crocheting or what I want to crochet. I’m also hoping to write a few patterns that will be available here. My goal in 2010 was to do more with this blog and that was a big fail. Now I have the same goal but will work harder to make it happen.

Yarn Bits and Failed Projects

I have found a great way to recycle yarn. Some projects start out really on track and then just fall off it somehow. So, I’m left with half-finished projects that I can’t bear to throw away and unraveling seems pointless since it is such a small amount of yarn.

Since winter has arrived, I have been worried about our gerbils keeping warm. I tossed a discarded crochet project into their cage and they immediately went to town on it.

They immediately began chewing and unraveling the yarn – making it into a nice, warm den. Now when I clean out their cage, I just toss another discarded project into the cage. They enjoy having something to chew on and to keep them warm. Plus it’s free compared to buying soft bedding at the pet store. I have plenty of small, unfinished projects and plenty of yarn. It is nice to see those projects finally get some use.

Christmas Gifts

Look what my husband got me for Christmas. He decided to play it safe and went with items from my Amazon wish list. I love that they are all yarn related.

I love the Clover crochet hooks and have been wanting more since I bought one a few months back. A Good Yarn has been on my reading list since I first heard about it. And then I wanted June Gilbank’s book on Amigurumi since before it came out.

So a very good Christmas I would say. I need to use some of my yarn so that I can start buying more. Maybe next year will be a yarn Christmas.

2011 Goals

One of my goals for 2011 is to sell crochet at at least one craft fair. The first fair in our area is in May. I have a list of what I want to sell. Now I just have to make it. I really don’t expect to sell much. I think it will be fun to make a little yarn money. I just want a creative outlet with a goal. Selling at a craft fair will provide both.

I plan on sticking with small items that hopefully I will also have for sale here at Crochet Mae. I’m working on getting a shop up and running. I may even list a few things on eBay and Etsy. I definitely want to crochet more in the New Year. I have a lot of yarn, ideas, and patterns.