Crochet for Christmas

This year I scaled back my crochet projects for Christmas. I just could not get in the mood to crochet much. A few chapstick holders and a couple of cup cozies is all I did this year. I am working on a baby blanket that I hope to finish by the time the baby arrives in spring.

At least this year I’m not burned out on crochet. I just tried to do too much in a small amount of time. This year I had smaller goals but about the same time to accomplish them. In January, I really need to plan for next Christmas. My grandmother used to do this with her crochet. She would plan what she wanted to give and then work on it throughout the year. It would definitely give a fall-back project when I complete something and still want to crochet. I can just pick up a Christmas gift.

So next year maybe I will be more on top of my crocheting. It just takes some planning – which is not my strong suit but something I want to work on.

Chapstick Holder

One of my crochet projects for Christmas is chapstick holders. This is a fast and easy project that is very useful.

It takes a small amount of yarn. I used a size 3 mm hook and started with a magic loop. I then chain 2 and six single crochet into second chain from hook. Next I did a round of two single crochets into each single crochet for a total of 12 single crochets. Then I did a few rounds of even crochet until the holder measured the size of the chapstick. I slip stitched into the next two single crochets. To make the loop for the keychain holder, I chained three and then slip stitched into the next two single crochets.

I plan to make at least four of these – possibly more. I finished one last night, so I’m hoping to get more done this week. It will be nice to have something finished for Christmas finally.

Finally Some Colder Weather

After a record setting day of 90 degrees around Wednesday of this week, I was so glad to wake up Thursday to actual cooler temperatures. This fall has been so warm, dry, and not fun. I mean, I have a lot of crocheting to do for Christmas. I need cooler weather for motivation.

After having a dry crochet spell in October, I will most likely be cutting back my Christmas crochet plans. It is probably for the best anyway as I really want to give some craft shows a try in 2011. This will give me time to get that project started before the end of the year.

Right now I think I will crochet simple Christmas gifts like chapstick holders, amigurumis, and cup holders. Leave the hats, blankets, and other projects for birthday gifts.

Crocheting for Christmas

So in September, I made a list of what I wanted to do to get ready for Christmas. It included about 1/4 of the gifts I wanted to make for December. Unfortunately I got very little of my list finished. Now I need to add to the list and make up my September goals.

I want to crochet four hats – that is only one a week. I also want to do a few small projects like chapstitck holders and hair bows. I want to make the hair bows in various shapes like a ladybug, flowers, etc. I still want to work on a few items for Etsy. I’ve never given it a try but would like to. It just seems I have a lot to do and time to do it. I just lack something – motivation? I have never been good at finishing projects. While some people find great joy in finishing something, I feel a little sad. I guess there is the letdown of being done with it and figuring out what to do next. I also hate to make plans. This is problematic since I really need to do some planning since it helps me stay on track. I just need an attitude adjustment.

I am finishing up some mini Jayne Cobb hats to put in the shop. They make cute Christmas tree ornaments. I’d also like to do a few more crochet ornaments. I really like small projects since I have such a hard time finishing larger ones. Hopefully I can get my hook in gear and get some Christmas projects knocked out this month. I hate waiting til the last minute although that is usually what happens.

Angry Bird

Angry Birds is my new favorite game for the iPod Touch. Those cute little angry birds just scream ‘crochet me’ every time I play. Today I was playing around and came up with this for the red one. I have some areas to tweak and then will try the yellow and small blue bird.

The hardest part was all the small extras. They take longer to add to the body than they do to crochet! Still I think he turned out pretty cute. I will make more and maybe even a slingshot. Play a live game of Angry Birds. Now that could be fun.

Fall Fair

With summer finally over, it is time to start thinking about all the great fall activities that are fast approaching. Since I have started crocheting, I have wanted to display something at the fair. Each year I seem to forget until I see advertisements for the fair. This year is shaping up to be no different.

I do have a baby blanket I want to crochet but don’t know if I will get to it before the fair. I guess it would give me a reason to buy yarn and give me something to crochet. I may have to think about it. I have so many half-finished projects that I would love to clear out. It just seems wrong to start something new with so many projects needing to be finished.

Pumpkin Hat

It is getting close to Halloween, so I thought I would make a few pumpkin hats for our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. Here is one I made in about a day from this simple newborn pumpkin hat pattern.

This was the first time I had made a hat from side-to-side. It was so easy to get the size you needed. No frogging! I love it. I will be making more very soon.

White Pumpkin

Here is my first pumpkin in the Itsy Bitsy Spider Crochet-a-long. I chose to do a white pumpkin since I had noticed white pumpkins before at the pumpkin patch we visit each year. I always wondered if anyone ever chose a white pumpkin. Orange pumpkins still rule in my book. Of course, orange is my favorite color not to disrespect the white pumpkin.

Pumpkin Crochet-a-long

I’ve joined a crochet-a-long for a pumpkin. I have made some pumpkins in the past but never really liked them. So I thought I would give it another try when I found this CAL. It’s really a cute pattern and cannot wait to get started. I’m still working on a few pteranodons and a few Christmas projects. I think the pumpkin will be a nice break. In fact, I may make several. We planted some pumpkins but not sure they will be ready by October or even make for that matter. Anyway these pumpkins will be a lot cuter than real ones.

You can go to Itsy Bitsy’s Spider’s blog to sign up for the CAL through September 10th. You can still join afterwards but you will need to buy the pattern from Ravelry for $1.

8-Bit Princess Peach

For her birthday, I am going to make my daughter a Princess Peach rug. I was inspired by a Craftster who did a 7-foot Mario rug for her boyfriend. She used granny squares to represent one pixel. I plan to use smaller granny squares that are only two rounds. They are about 2 inches, so the Princess Peach rug will be roughly 3-foot by 6-foot. She will take up a lot of floor space in the girl’s small room.

I hope to have it finished by her birthday which is in early October. I charted out the design and counted how many of each color squares I will need. Now I just need to figure out how many I need to do each day for about three weeks. That will give me a few weeks to put it all together. So far I’m getting at least 10 squares done a day. I need to work on the design since I’m using yarn from my stash. I am short about 60 pink squares. I have other shades of pink, so I will have to work those in somewhere. It should be interesting. Hopefully the girl will like it. If not, then I may just put it in our room.