Pink Girl Cowboy Hat

I just decided to re-do the baby cowboy hat instead of frogging the one I had made. I also changed to a pink cotton instead of the tan cotton to make it even cuter. I am really pleased with how the second one turned out as it looks a lot better than the first one. And it should be just the right size. So here’s hoping that I’m measuring correctly and she can wear it.

Kirby’s Epic Yarn

As I was reading about the video games that were showcased during E3(Electronics Games expo in Los Angeles), one really caught my attention. Kirby’s Epic Yarn for the Wii just seems like a game that I would enjoy.

Kirby is a pretty well-know video game character. Now he has been transformed into a yarn figure in this side-scrolling platform game. I wonder if the success of Little Big Planet had anything to do with Kirby’s yarn makeover? It is so good to see yarn – which I love – married with my other love – video games.

Just look at these screenshots. I’m sure some crafty folks have already started blankets, amigurumi, and more in homage to this game – which reminds me I do have pink yarn that is just lying around..

Baby Cowboy Hat

My niece is going to a Dude Ranch next month, so I thought it’d be fun to do a cowboy hat for her since her older sister has one. She is one, and the only pattern I had was from the book The Happy Hooker. So I did less stitches and used a smaller hook. I finished but the hat is too small. I couldn’t bear to frog it without first taking some pictures. It’s just too cute.

I think I will use a bigger hook since you use crochet with two strands. Also now I know that the hat doesn’t get much bigger than the top even though you add stitches throughout. So I will get the top the right size and hopefully it will all come together. This hat didn’t take but a few days, so I hope to be done in plenty of time for their trip.

New Purse

One of my passions is purses. I love buying them and making them – although I really haven’t made that many. Here is one I made for a friend. It started out as a market bag but turned more into a book bag as I don’t think it’s really her taste to use it everyday. My idea was that it could be an extra travel bag. When we travel we always take backpacks and extra purses that hold anything from yarn to DVDs.

I created the bag without a pattern and am pretty pleased at how it turned out –

The lining has daisies on it so I made a detachable daisy for the outside of the bag. It’s made with cotton yarn – the only yarn I touch during summer. This has me inspired to make me my ultimate crochet purse that will hold everything when traveling. Oh to have one bag to rule them all would be wonderful.

Crochet Iron Man Arc ‘Light’

Last weekend we watched ‘Iron Man 2’ which was an awesome movie. Of course, being a comic book geek, I have enjoyed the majority of movies based on comic books. I also love Robert Downey, Jr. and am so happy that he is Iron Man. In the movie at the Stark Expo, The audience had on flashlights on their hands that resembled Iron Man’s weapon. I thought it’d be cute to crochet it.

I wished I had some glow in the dark yarn because that would have been super cute for the center. Instead, I used some sparkle yarn I bought last Christmas. When I was making this, I used my hand as my guide but as you can see, it’s a little big for a child. Here is the pattern –

Iron Man Arc “light”

What you’ll need –
White yarn
Red Yarn
3.5 Crochet Hook
Yarn Needle

With white yarn, Start with a Magic Ring, Ch 2
6 SC into Magic Ring
Round 2 – 2 SC into each SC from previous round(12)
Round 3- 2 SC into first SC, SC into next one. * 2 SC into next SC, one SC into next* Repeat * until end of round.(18)
Round 4-2 SC into first SC, SC into next two. * 2 SC into next SC, one SC into next 2 SC* Repeat * until end of round.(24)
Fasten Off
With red yarn, join to white.
Round 5 – 2 SC into first SC, SC into next three. * 2 SC into next SC, one SC into next 3 SC* Repeat * until end of round.(30)
Round 6 – 2 SC into first SC, SC into next four. * 2 SC into next SC, one SC into next 4 SC* Repeat * until end of round.(36)
Round 7 – 2 SC into first SC, SC into next five. * 2 SC into next SC, one SC into next 5 SC* Repeat * until end of round.(42)
Fasten Off


With red yarn, join and chain 25.
SC into each chain and then one into red disk, CH 1 and turn,
SC into each SC, CH 1, Turn
SC into each SC and into base of red disk. Fasten off

Join the other end of the strap to the disk using a yarn needle.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment as I haven’t written that many patterns.

I’m thinking this would be a cute center to fingerless gloves or even gloves. Anyway, my model likes it but she seems to live everything I crochet – which only encourages me to crochet more.

Golden Snitch cat toy

I admit that I love Harry Potter. A while back, I took part in a Harry Potter swap and made this Golden Snitch for my partner’s cat. As I was organizing some photos, I came across several finished projects that I have yet to post. I can’t remember exactly where I got the free pattern. I believe it was at I added a small bell inside the stuffing to make it a cat toy. Of course, our cat will play with just about anything – it doesn’t have to make a noise.

It was a quick pattern. I need to find it again.

Crochet Baby Headband

I was looking throuugh some pictures on the computer when I came across a headband I had made for an ehow article. So I thought I would share it here. It’s a very simple headband with a very simple ‘flower.’ Truth is, when I did this I hadn’t made many crocheted flowers so I just winged it. It turned out OK.

Here is a link the to baby headband crochet pattern.

Appa Eyeglass holder

Here is another item I did for the Avatar swap on Craftster. I decided not to send since my partner mentioned she didn’t want dolls or items that just sat around. The pattern is from Someone created a pattern for an Ernie eyeglass holder, so that was my inspiration for this.

I used felt for Appa’s arrow and the dark patch around his eyes. Before I added the arrow, my daughter said what a cute lamb’s head I had made. So I guess if I ever want to crochet a lamb, then I already know how to make the head.

Flower Pot Amigurumi

I’ve been wanting for a while to make one of these cute patterns featuring pots and flowers. I found one on the Lion Brand website and thought it’d be a perfect little gift for Mother’s Day. My mom loves flowers and has many in her garden. Here is one that needs no watering and weeding. It can also be enjoyed all year around. I like small crochet projects that I can finish in a day or two – which is good since special occasions always seem to be sneaking up on me.

Avatar Hat

My latest swap subject was Avatar The Last Airbender. My partner had a hat with an arrow on it on her WIST(wish list) and so I decided to make it for her. I used a lighter yarn since I knew she was hoping to receive items she could wear to the live action movie due out this summer. And since it’ll be hot, I tried to make the hat as cool as possible.

I may have to make me one for to wear to the movie. It turned out really cute. The arrow took a while since I did it with short rows but could probably do it a lot faster by doing six or so long rows and crocheting the length of the hat instead of 40 plus short rows doing the width of the arrow.