Hellboy, Jr.

For at least a year, I’ve been wanting to make a Hellboy, Jr. crochet doll. Somewhere we have a Hellboy, Jr. comic book where he is just too adorable and I thought would make a cute amigurumi. This is my first attempt. I couldn’t find any thin, black yarn in my stash so I had to use a bulky black yarn. It looks OK but I think it would be better with something not so thick.

Anyway, we were watching Hellboy II the Golden Army when I remembered that I had wanted to make him in crochet, so I started that night. My daughter hasn’t claimed him yet, so right now he’s still with the few amis I have made for myself.


I have another item to share from my most recent swap on Craftster. This was taken from my partner’s wist. I changed the colors to make it more ‘Firefly’ themed. This was my first time to make a flower of such size.

After finishing this, I really liked it. In fact, I’m tempted to make myself one. This is one of the reasons I enjoy craft swaps is that I will try different crafts or crochet patterns that are not exactly my taste. But after seeing the completed work, I really do like it for myself.

PlanetJune Crochet a-long

I’m so excited to be taking part in my first ever Crochet a-long. It’s being hosted by PlanetJune and features two of her free, adorable patterns. One is Daffodils and the other is a cute little whale. No lie, I was just thinking how I wanted to crochet a whale and some flowers for my mom for Mother’s Day. So this CAL is perfect!

By clicking the image, you can find out more details if you would like to join the CAL that will run through May.

Wristlet Bracelet

Here is my first venture into jewelry. It’s from a pattern found at Mademoiselle Chaos blog. She took a vintage shell pattern and made it into a wristlet or bracelet. I tried it first with thread crochet but just couldn’t get it so I used a cotton thread. Here it is after blocking.

I was able to make it in about an hour – that is once I got the pattern down. All in all, this was a fast project with great results. The bracelet is very pretty and next time I will try thread. Even if it doesn’t look right when I’m making it, I will wait until I block to pass final judgment.

Mini Malcom Reynolds

I recently made Malcom Reynolds of the TV show ‘Firefly’ for a swap, of course. This was my third attempt. I had never tried to make embroidery thread hair before, so this was a bit of a challenge. I also finally got a crocheted face that I can be proud of. He was inspired by the work of Geek Station Central. I couldn’t do a browncoat in felt so I just crocheted one. And I just had to do a gun holster. I may have to make me one now.

Easter Cthulhu

What would a holiday be without an interpretation of Cthulhu? He is missing a small, cotton tail. Once I either find one or give up and make one, he will be complete. My daughter has claimed this one for herself.

Tinkerbell Purse


I recently downloaded Picasa to help me organize all of my photos and found that I had taken some project pictures that I hadn’t yet posted. Here is a purse I made back at Christmas. The handle is Tunisian crochet. I had made the handles for a purse that I never did finish. When I was making the purse, I thought of those crochet handles and how cute it would be together. I’m not much for sewing but do love my embroidery machine. I’ve been wanting to make a few more of these but just haven’t gotten to it yet. Maybe I can at least start one soon.


When I asked my friend what to get her 8 year old for her birthday, she said anything girlie. So I bought a couple of small toys and decided to also make a purse. I had some fun yarn and thought it’d be cute to trim a small purse with it. I found a cute free pattern on the Bernat website. I modified it slightly just to make it smaller. Here is the finished purse.


I didn’t realize until after getting half of the trim on that the colors are very spring/Easter. That’s not a bad thing but I should have used more pink. Anyway, I thought it turned out cute even though I still have issues joining rounds. No matter what method I do, I always seem to add a stitch. That’s something I need to work on.

National Crochet Month

grannysquares March is National Crochet Month. It’s a also National Craft Month. The two really go hand in hand especially for me as most of my crochet is crafty items.

To celebrate, I plan on crocheting as I’m sure many crocheters will be doing. I also plan to continue teaching my husband how to crochet. I’ve given him one ‘lesson’ and it’s time for another one.

I also want to write a few crochet patterns especially for some of my crochet items I have on my blog. Hopefully I can get them done this month. I’ve started on Snellie the Snail and will probably get Yoshi done since I want to do a pink Yoshi since he is my daughter’s favorite in Super Mario Brothers Wii.

Crochet Luxury Item on Survivor

So tonight as I was watching my favorite reality show “Survivor” I noticed one of the luxury items a contestant had brought was a crochet blanket. This week’s challenge was for immunity and their one luxury item they had brought from home. The Heroes won but I’m not sure who brought the pink and white crochet blanket. I’m betting it’s a baby blanket either a contestants or maybe one of their children. Who knows.

Either way bringing a blanket is a good idea since blankets always seem to be a coveted luxury. Maybe in future episodes we’ll see the blanket again and get more of the story behind it. It’s always fun to spot crochet on TV shows. I just wish it was on the DVR so I could get a screen cap.