Celebrating Dr. Seuss

It is Read Across America week and today was dress up as your favorite Dr. Seuss character at school. My daughter chose the Cat in the Hat. I crocheted a hat and tail.


It was great just to go into my stash and find the yarn. Made this project stress free and fun.


What do you get when you cross a cake with a pie? a pake, of course. That is what Stacy – from Lifetime’s TV show “Drop Dead Diva” came up with. She even had a pakery for a while before selling it. The concept of the pake just begged to be crocheted, so I made two attempts at a pake.


The key to the pake is the pie crust bottom. Then the top is more cake-like. So for the bottom I started out with a flat circle and slowly worked out the sides. Then I just crocheted a basic circle then made the rows even to get the round cake shape. Put the two together and you get a pake.



Small Santa Hat

This year I actually decorated for Christmas. Usually we are not at home for Christmas so I seldom bother to decorate. But this year we stayed home for the holidays. I wanted to leave out my Rogue statue but felt like she should be more festive so I crocheted her a tiny Santa hat.


It turned out pretty cute considering I wasn’t sure what it might look like on once I had finished it. Now all I need to do is to remember to take it off after the Christmas season.

Halloween Monsters

For Halloween, I decided to make a little treat for trick or treaters stopping by.


These little monsters are done in the round -increasing until 24 stitches starting with six in a magic ring. A few even rounds and then I started the decrease. The first decrease round I did in the back loops so that leaves the front loops available. I used the front loops for the legs or tentacles – use the imagination. Some monsters have one eye, two eyes, or even three eyes. These are the ones claimed by my daughter and she even claimed one Halloween night. We set up the monsters in a shoebox with an adopt me sign that my daughter made.


The kids seemed to like them. One neighbor said I won at Halloween – so I will take that as a compliment! I wished I had started these sooner as I would have done more detail. But there is always next year. This will be a fun, ongoing project that will help to use some of my yarn stash.

Amigurumi Gods Wood Tree

I love Game of Thrones so much that I wanted to create something in crochet to remind me of the show. Since it takes me forever to come up with crochet patterns, I decided to use an existing one in the book Amigurumi Toy Box by Ana Paula Rimoli as a starting point. She has a cute cartoonish tree that would be perfect as a godswood tree. It already had a face on it!

So I switched the colors to make the bark an off-white and the leaves a crimson red. Add a face and you have a gods wood tree- Amigurumi style.


Ned Stark and Jon Snow even appreciate the tree.


It was a fun tree that took way too long – but that happens sometimes. I start a project and then can never seem to get back to it. But this one I am glad I pushed through my inhibition and got it done.

Pink Goblin

A few weeks ago, I crocheted my husband a goblin which my daughter loved. Well she didn’t quite love it as is but she loved it enough to play with it. Then she decided she wanted her own but this one with a pink body instead of green, a skirt, and just a smile instead of ‘teeth.’

So tonight I finished the pink goblin. I was starting on the skirt when my daughter noticed she was nearly complete. She then decided she didn’t need a skirt and took the pink goblin off to play with the green goblin. So I didn’t even get a change to take a photo. That will have to wait as the green goblin has been anxious to make a new friend.

It’s so nice to have my crochet work so loved. It really encourages me to create more fun projects.

Yarn On the Go Bags

For as long as I can remember, I have been wanting a yarn on the Go bag from Boye. So finally I broke down and bought not one but two since they were on sale.


Since I am starting a new project today, I thought I would give the bag a try. After opening it, I was somewhat surprised how small the bag appeared but after putting in my yarn that fit, I see why it is called an on the go bag. There is a long strap so this would make it easy to take your project with you. This will be handy for long road trips or anywhere that I expect to have to wait.


So glad I finally picked up a few of these bags even if they weren’t quite what I expected but they will do just fine to hold one project on the go.

Crochet Apple

Last year I crocheted my daughter an apple as a teacher’s gift. It went over so well that I decided to make one this year for her new teacher. So I guess it is now a tradition, huh? I use PlanetJune’s free crochet apple pattern that works up really quick and turns out great. I think I may have to make some apples for our house for decoration.

Crochet in The Hobbit

After nearly a month after its release, we finally watched ‘The Hobbit.’ I have to admit that my husband was more interested in seeing this movie than I was. But I loved it, bought the book, and now can’t wait to see it again!

Also crochet is mentioned! How cool is that? The dwarves have gathered at Bilbo’s home and one is looking for a handkerchief when he grabs a doily. Bilbo takes it from him and tells him it isn’t a handkerchief but crochet(it has holes in it, it’s crochet) – to which the dwarf misunderstands thinks he says croquet and how he likes the sport.

Also Gandalf has some really cute knitted wrist warmers. They look to be garter stitch so I may try to knook a pair since I have no trouble with the garter stitch.

Anyway, a fun movie with a crochet reference! What could be better?

Hooks as Props

Note to self: When daughter asks to borrow your crochet hooks, you may want to ask why. Good to know that if I ever stop crocheting(HIGHLY Unlikely! 🙂 ) that my hooks can be used as stuffed animal props. I’m guessing these are ski poles or maybe the walking power sticks that Phil had on an episode of ‘Modern Family.’