A New Project
Yes! I started a project last night and it felt fantastic. Some months back, I picked up Amigurumi Toy Box because I love Ana Paula Riomoli’s work. Also the unicorn on the front cover called to me saying ‘crochet me you know you want to.’ So I bought the book and started the unicorn. And..that’s about it. That is until last night.
I am a huge fan of Games of Thrones – both the books and the TV show. In both, the Starks worship the old tree gods. There are these large, white trees with red leaves – reminds of a red oak but with huge trunks. It also seems like the trees have faces in them that ‘weep’ or show emotion. In the amigurumi book is a cute tree pattern which I plan to do several to create a Stark gods’s wood. It feels good to do a project that is for me.
I also plan to work another pattern from the book – it’s a kitten with a kitty bed. It’s a request from my daughter but one I had planned on doing for her anyway since she has been mentioning kittens a lot lately.
Right now all I have is the beginning of the trunk for one tree but hope to have the tree and the kitten(with accessories) done by the end of the weekend.