A New Project

Yes! I started a project last night and it felt fantastic. Some months back, I picked up Amigurumi Toy Box because I love Ana Paula Riomoli’s work. Also the unicorn on the front cover called to me saying ‘crochet me you know you want to.’ So I bought the book and started the unicorn. And..that’s about it. That is until last night.

I am a huge fan of Games of Thrones – both the books and the TV show. In both, the Starks worship the old tree gods. There are these large, white trees with red leaves – reminds of a red oak but with huge trunks. It also seems like the trees have faces in them that ‘weep’ or show emotion. In the amigurumi book is a cute tree pattern which I plan to do several to create a Stark gods’s wood. It feels good to do a project that is for me.

I also plan to work another pattern from the book – it’s a kitten with a kitty bed. It’s a request from my daughter but one I had planned on doing for her anyway since she has been mentioning kittens a lot lately.

Right now all I have is the beginning of the trunk for one tree but hope to have the tree and the kitten(with accessories) done by the end of the weekend.

No Crochet Projects

So about a month ago, I organized my yarn and crochet hooks. I went through the yarn and gave away a lot of it that I will not be using either because I don’t like it or that there isn’t enough of it for a project. The remaining yarn I placed in a large tote and made a label for it. That way at a glance I could tell what was in the tote.

About a week passed and I was inspired to start a crochet project – trouble was I could not remember where I put the tote or what I had done with the yarn. It was maddening. Also I could not find any crochet hooks. Most of my crochet hooks are in a cigarette case holder that I found at the thrift store for 50 cents. It is the perfect length for crochet hooks and a lot will fit into it. Plus I remember my grandmother had a case like this for her cigarette packs and lighter. I always loved it but I have never smoked – so it would be silly to have a case for something I do not use. But now the case has purpose in my life thanks for crochet.

So I could not find this case anywhere. I looked with the craft supplies – knowing I had put is somewhere but drawing a blank as to where that somewhere could be. A few weeks passed and I still do not know where I put my yarn or my crochet hooks. I did a sweep through storage and did not find a storage box. I was about ready to go buy some more hooks and a skein of yarn just so that I could crochet to take away my frustrations.

Well a few days ago, I am rummaging through some items I had put back to sell at a consignment sale when I find my tub of yarn – on my dresser. Man I felt dumb. Had it been a snake – well you know the rest. I was right in front of my face the whole time! However, the tub of yarn did not have the crochet hooks. So now the yarn was taunting me because I knew where it was but not a hook in sight. Last night I remembered that I had placed some yarn in a yarn basket. When I checked there I found my case of crochet hooks. Glory be!

So now that I know where my yarn and hooks are I can get started on the several crochet projects that are swimming around in my head. I usually crochet less in the summer because it is so hot and the yarn is so warm. But this year I may try to do more since I did so little this winter. I miss it and am ready to create something with yarn.

National Crochet Month

March is National Crochet Month! Oh how to celebrate? Well I plan to crochet all month long! Last night I picked up my hook and yarn to do a few more rounds on a cute alligator. I’m just free-handing it but it is finally taking shape. I was inspired by Swamp People(excellent TV show on History channel) to make a gator. Mine will be tiny compared to the real thing. Hopefully I will be done in a few days and will finish up some other crochet projects.

Maybe National Crochet Month is exactly what I need to get back into crocheting more. I used to look forward to crocheting every day. I still want to crochet but just seems life has gotten very busy. Working full-time outside the home is bringing me down. There just isn’t the time at home to do all that needs to be done.

So many crochet projects, so little time! Maybe National Crochet Month will help me set my priorities. Crochet has to be one of them.

St. Valentine Puppet

In Sunday School, we made these cute St. Valentine’s puppets. It’s simple so it was a perfect craft for pre-schoolers. On the website Catholic Icing, she used black pom poms for a beard – not using white so it wouldn’t look like Santa Claus. I could not find black pom poms, so I improvised as any crafter would – I crocheted a beard.

I started off with a chain of 25 stitches and then single crocheted into each one. I then did a popcorn stitch followed by a chain in every third or fourth single crochet – just to give the beard some fullness. Quick, easy, and cheap since I already had black yarn.

It’s great when crochet can help you out of a jam. Just create what you need when you can’t find it.

On the Hook

Right now I have a few works in progress. It seems I can start a crochet project but have a really difficult time finishing it. Next Christmas I plan to give more handmade gifts. I found a cute pattern for a hoodie scarf that is super easy. I have two of those going at the same time. I do a row on one and then the other – that way when I finish one I won’t have to start all over with the other one.

I also want to make a unicorn amigurumi for my daughter for Valentine’s Day without her knowing it. This is hard because I have to crochet when I’m not with her. It would be wise to just use some of my yarn stash but I so want to buy yarn she hasn’t seen before. I know I’m so bad. That is why I have too much yarn as it is. I will probably just stick with my stash yarn though even if I really want new yarn.

With my Kindle reading and other distractions, I have been doing less crocheting these past few months. Hopefully I can get back to crocheting more and maybe listening to books. I hope to finish something that is currently on a hook by the end of the month – hopefully a scarf hoodie since I want to make several of those this year.

Yarn Stash

A popular 2012 resolution for crocheters seems to be working from their yarn stash. My yarn stash is vast and really needs to be used. When I first started crocheting again, I would buy yarn on sale but I might only buy one skein of a color. Now I know better. I at least buy two so that I can make a scarf or something with it.

Since my stash has gotten so large, I try to use what I have for projects although that doesn’t always work. I may need a certain color and have to buy some yarn only to use half a skein for a project. Now I have half a skein to add to the stash. So my yarn stash goes and also becomes harder to use in projects.

For amigurumi, a half skein works well since you really don’t need a lot of yarn for small toys. Still I have way more yarn than I will use this year. I plan to decide just what I will use and donate the rest. It will feel good to have a small yarn stash and just buy yarn for projects again.

Crochet Goals 2012

This Christmas I did not make the first crochet gift. I had great intentions – but just started way too late. With work and other stuff, I just have not had the time to crochet – which makes me very sad. Usually when Christmas is over, I am so mentally exhausted that I cannot even think about the next Christmas for many months. This year, however, I don’t feel so wiped and planned to get cracking on 2012 goals.

Next Christmas I plan to give a lot more crochet gifts. Several people did receive handmade gifts and loved them. My biggest problem is deciding on what to make. I do plan on making some scarves and hats – with possibly some amigurumis. That is so vague but really is the only plan I have right now. I just plan to crochet and finish projects – then decide later on giving.

I have so many patterns I want to try and plan to in 2012. My goal is to crochet more and so some original patterns as well. If I can stay organized and focus, then 2012 is going to be a great year.

Advent Wreath

For Sunday School, I wanted a safe Advent wreath to show the kids. The are pre-schoolers, so I wasn’t wild about using real candles. While Christmas shopping, I found some flameless tea lights that look like a candle burning. They were all white but I knew I could add the Advent colors to the lights somehow. I first thought of ribbon but had yarn on hand – so I made some tea light cozies instead.

I started by chaining eight and then joining to make a circle for the ‘flame’ to fit though. Then I just did an increase round until the piece fit over the top and from there I did a few even rows – even to cover the base. It worked up pretty fast. I think the kids have enjoyed being able to ‘light’ the candles for the Advent wreath and also play with the tea lights. The tea lights were a bargain – 10 for $6 plus ten batteries. Each tea light already had a battery so they were sold with extras. So I can see this Advent wreath lasting for years to come.

Christmas Wreath

I had wanted to make a crochet Christmas wreath since I had seen one in Crochet Today. They had taken a styrofoam wreath and placed crochet roses on it. It was cute but I could never find a styrofoam wreath. I did find a yarn wreath at the thrift store. It had some decorations on it that I took off. I made some of the crochet roses and an Irish rose for the top center. I did some simple chains for added decorations.

It turned out better than I expected. I really was pleased to find a yarn wreath since it makes a great base for this project. The yarn wreath has a wire clothes hanger as its base. You then tie looped yarn(like how you might make a pom pom) around it until you have it full. It is time consuming but does make for a pretty wreath. Glad I found mine secondhand though.

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I’d rather be crocheting

Although the weather is very warm lately, I have been in a crocheting mood – which is a good thing since Christmas is coming very fast. I love to crochet when it is cold outside. The yarn between my fingers just feels so cozy and nice. I enjoy crocheting for Christmas since it I crochet for others and it gives me a deadline. Sometimes without a strict deadline projects never get finished.

This week I am working on a few small crochet projects for Christmas. Might as well get those out of the way and then I need to decide on hat patterns. I’d like to do a few hats but really have to decide which patterns would be best for my yarn. If only there was a program that would show you the finish product – kind of like the hair style computer programs that show what a certain style would look like on you. Using the right yarn is so important to getting the right results.

It is nice to be back regularly crocheting. Now let’s hope I can finish all these projects for Christmas.